Caution and Risk with Assessments |
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Assessments are valuable tools to help plan and direct instruction and measure a child’s progress toward development and other goals. These are crucial components to an education program but there are some risks that should be avoided with assessments. If assessments are done properly and with care you will get important data and information to assist your daily work with children. If done improperly you will gain inaccurate information that can lead to irresponsible decision making and other challenges.
Use multiple pieces of data
If you are using just one piece of data in the form of an assessment you may gain inaccurate information about a child. It is best to do multiple assessments of different kinds to gauge a child’s learning and development.
If you are using just one piece of data in the form of an assessment you may gain inaccurate information about a child. It is best to do multiple assessments of different kinds to gauge a child’s learning and development.
Consider best fit
Terms like this are used frequently in ECE but in this instance, we are referring to the fit of the assessment with the child and concept being measured. If you are assessing early literacy and writing skills for a child with fine motor skill challenges, giving a simple paper and pencil assessment may be inappropriate. Consider many options and multiple assessments for more accurate data.
Terms like this are used frequently in ECE but in this instance, we are referring to the fit of the assessment with the child and concept being measured. If you are assessing early literacy and writing skills for a child with fine motor skill challenges, giving a simple paper and pencil assessment may be inappropriate. Consider many options and multiple assessments for more accurate data.
Time of day
Some parts of the day work better for assessment than others. Usually just before lunch or snack, children can be distracted with their feelings of hunger and have a difficult time concentrating on some tasks. They may be fussy or upset and have a hard time completing an assessment especially. Consider the time of day carefully when planning assessments.
Some parts of the day work better for assessment than others. Usually just before lunch or snack, children can be distracted with their feelings of hunger and have a difficult time concentrating on some tasks. They may be fussy or upset and have a hard time completing an assessment especially. Consider the time of day carefully when planning assessments.
Children range in temperament including easy or flexible, slow to warm or cautious, and active or feisty. An easy or flexible child may be more willing to complete assessments at any time while an active or feisty child may benefit from a hands-on type of assessment.
Children range in temperament including easy or flexible, slow to warm or cautious, and active or feisty. An easy or flexible child may be more willing to complete assessments at any time while an active or feisty child may benefit from a hands-on type of assessment.
Other factors
Last, but certainly not least, assessment outcomes can range widely based on unforeseen circumstances and other factors that the child is faced with. This can range from having a stressful morning before coming to school to getting little sleep the night before. There may even be larger more devastating circumstances that teachers and caregivers are completely unaware of that can cause major hurdles to assessments.
Last, but certainly not least, assessment outcomes can range widely based on unforeseen circumstances and other factors that the child is faced with. This can range from having a stressful morning before coming to school to getting little sleep the night before. There may even be larger more devastating circumstances that teachers and caregivers are completely unaware of that can cause major hurdles to assessments.