Lesson Plan: Identifying Emotions (2/8) |
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Applying What You Have Learned
On the following pages are lesson plans that can be used to support the development of emotional intelligence in your program planning. The lesson plans are intended to be an optional resource that you may adapt for use in your classroom. The worksheets at the bottom of each lesson plan are part of the required coursework (not optional).
Please read each lesson plan carefully and then answer the question at the bottom of the page.
Please read each lesson plan carefully and then answer the question at the bottom of the page.
Identifying Emotions
Age Group:
CDA Competency Standard:
- Infants
- Toddlers
- Preschool
- Children will identify emotions
CDA Competency Standard:
- Candidate promotes children’s sense of belonging in the classroom community.
- Singing Voices!
- At circle time or during another communal time begin singing the “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands” song. Start it in the usual way using the emotion happy and encourage children to act happy.
- Next, sing the song using a different emotion than happy. Try silly, sad, surprised, angry, frustrated, etc. and encourage children to act out the correct emotions.
- **For older children have each child take turns singing the song and identifying an emotion.
**For infants, sing with the child cradled in your lap, gently clapping their hands together and overdramatizing the emotions on your own face.
- Observe and record children’s reactions to this activity over time. Does it become easier to act out the emotions? Do infants react to certain emotions more than others?