Lesson Plan: Tell me, Show me! (4/8) |
Page 12 |
Applying What You Have Learned
On the following pages are lesson plans that can be used to support the development of emotional intelligence in your program planning. The lesson plans are intended to be an optional resource that you may adapt for use in your classroom. The worksheets at the bottom of each lesson plan are part of the required coursework (not optional).
Please read each lesson plan carefully and then answer the question at the bottom of the page.
Please read each lesson plan carefully and then answer the question at the bottom of the page.
Tell me, Show me!
Age Group:
CDA Competency Standard:
Candidate promotes children’s sense of belonging in the classroom community.
a) Encourages children’s social interactions.
- Infants
- Toddlers
- Preschool
- Children will identify and act out emotions
- Children will discuss what makes certain emotions appear
CDA Competency Standard:
Candidate promotes children’s sense of belonging in the classroom community.
a) Encourages children’s social interactions.
- Emotion flash cards (make your own with magazine clippings glued to cardstock and laminated).
- For preschoolers and toddlers: with a small group, show an emotion flash card and ask them to tell you the emotion and act it out. Next, ask them to tell you what may make them feel these emotions.
- For infants: with a small group of infants, show them an emotion flash card and act the emotion out yourself while speaking the name of the emotion. Next, tell them what may make them feel a certain way.
- For preschoolers and toddlers: Observe and record children’s actions during the activity.
- For infants: Observe and record their reactions to the activity. Did a certain emotion cause an emotional reaction? Did the infant respond with language?
This is assignment 4 of 8.
Emotional Intelligence - Page 12 (4/8) |